Lets Encrypt Jenkins Web Server on Windows Server

Posted on: Mon, 04/22/2019 - 16:12 By: dragonasaurus

If you run Jenkins build server and desire to link it to a repository to perform automatic builds you will discover you need a legitimate SSL certificate so that there are no communication issues between the services. Any of your services to the internet they should be secured via SSL at a minimum anyway and you will want to disable HTTP access. In your quest to secure the Jenkins endpoint you may find the documentation lacking for securing a default install of Jenkins on a Windows server. This tutorial seeks to make this job easier.

Azure EA Reporting Part 2

Posted on: Wed, 02/06/2019 - 09:37 By: dragonasaurus

In the previous article I discussed ways you can access Azure's billing and costing information. I discussed the advantages and shortcomings of each one. In this article I will show the basics for the route I took to access Azure billing through the REST API in cSharp. This will be concerned with Azure Enterprise accounts only.

All code can be found here on GitHub.

Before you begin utilizing the REST api you will need 3 things.

Azure EA Reporting Part 1

Posted on: Fri, 01/04/2019 - 15:08 By: dragonasaurus

My company is currently expanding its usage on the Microsoft Azure platform. Due to increased usage of the platform there has been a desire to get better visibility and alerts into what Azure is costing us and where it is costing us. Particularly we want to see a day to day comparison with alerts. Current offerings from Azure in this area are lackluster and need some additional polishing, which Microsoft is doing, but not fast enough. I have researched each of the options available to me and will discuss them here.

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